Friday, June 9, 2017

Myanmar: New electricity generation and distribution planned for Sagaing Region under five year plan

Myanmar: New electricity generation and distribution planned for Sagaing
Region under five year plan

The government will build at least three new power plants and electrical
distribution systems in Sagaing Region under a multibillion kyat 2017-2022
plan of Ministry of Electricity and Energy plan, according to a Myanmar News
Agency report on yesterday's Pyithu Hluttaw proceedings.

Dr. Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy told Pyithu
Hluttaw representatives that his agency will request a total of Ks4.1
billion in Union budget allocations this fiscal year and next for a
66-kilovolt generation plant, five transformer stations and a 26-mile power
grid project in Sagaing Region. The ministry is studying the feasibility of
installing a small or medium sized hydro-electrical power plant between Nan
Win Creek and Nan Thalet Creek in Sagaing, the deputy minister said.

The deputy minister also said the government intends to spend Ks1.5 billion
for a 33-kilovolt plant, a 16-mile electrical grid and five transformers in
Mone Town. The last projects Dr. Tun Naing described under the five year
plan were a 37-mile, 66 kilovolt power grid between Chauk and Yenanchaung
with 15 transformers and a 33 kilovolt grid between Yenanchaung proper and
an industrial zone nearby.

After that, Hluttaw representatives discussed the motion submitted by U Win
Win of Minbu constituency urging the Union Government to distribute
local-made Urea Fertilizer with systematic packing for quality control, to
farmers at reasonable prices. The Hluttaw also discussed the need for
distribution of urea fertilizer at reasonable prices and a method to prevent
counterfeit products from entering the market. Myanmar's agricultural
industry suffers from a dearth of quality fertilizer, resulting in high
prices, chronically low yields and poor quality crops.

Only three of five of Myanmar's major fertilizer are currently active, said
U Ne Htet Win, a representative of Hsin Paung Wei Township, Magway Region.
Dr. Tun Naing, the minister for electricity and energy told the body that
on-shore gas wells that supplied fuel to two fertiliser plants had recently
become unproductive. "So only three fertiliser factories are running as
normal, producing only 7% of the agricultural needs of the whole country",
he said. "The remaining demand is being met through imports by private

Daw Thanda, a representative from Einme constituency emphasized that time
was of the essence as farmers needed access to fertilizer at reasonable
prices as agricultural loans are disbursed.

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Link to Original Article:

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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

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