Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Malaysia Energy Commission: Jail, fine for power thieves

Malaysia Energy Commission: Jail, fine for power thieves

Premise owners who use illegal electrical extensions to obtain electricity
will be punished with hefty fines and a maximum two-year jail term, said the
Energy Commission.

The Energy Commission, which regulates electricity supply, said it will be
increasing its random checks in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, and will
carry out full enforcement of the Electricity Supply Act 1990.

"The commission is more than ready to haul up those who have made illegal
connections on their premises, and slap them with a maximum fine of
RM10,000, or imprisonment of up to two years, or both. The focus will also
be on private homeowners," the commission's spokesman was quoted telling
local daily New Straits Times.

Under Section 37(13) of the Electricity Supply Act 1990, it is an offence to
install electrical wiring or extensions to existing wiring on premises
without prior written approval from the electricity supplier.

The same section states that this offence is punishable with a maximum
RM10,000 fine and maximum two-year jail term or both.

The spokesman said the commission had in 2016 found 245 premises with
illegal extensions, a problem which it believed is widespread in squatter
areas and low-cost residential areas.

Illegal wiring extensions - which are unsafe and may cause fires - are
usually done to steal electricity, which is also punishable under Section
37(3) by a fine of between RM1,000 to RM50,000 or a maximum one-year jail
term or both for a first-time offender who is a domestic consumer.

The punishments become heftier for non-domestic consumer and those who
repeat the offence.

According to the commission, 172 cases of electrical theft were recorded
last year, but 206 cases have already been recorded since this January.

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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.


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