Indonesia: Pertamina unveiled its refinery construction projects
The Indonesian company Pertamina has announced six new refining facilities
projects. It intends to build 2 new refineries, namely the Refinery Unit 2
in Tuban (East Java) and in Bontang (East Kalimantan), and upgrade 4
existing ones : the Refinery Unit 2 in Dumai (Riau) , the Unit 4 in Cilacap
(Central Java), the Unit 5 in Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) and the Unit 6 in
Balongan (Sest Java).
At the end of 2016, Pertamina had a installed total refinery capacity of
1.05 mb/d spread over 5 large refineries (Balikpapan, Balongan, Cilacap,
Dumai and Plaju) and 2 smaller refineries (Cepu and Kasim). After the
planned modernization and the implementation of the new projects, the
capacity is expected to reach between 1.85 mb/d and 2.2 mb/d.
The cost of the projects is expected to amount IRup500,000bn (US$37.5bn).
Pertamina will be in charge of the construction but some other international
O&G companies might take part in it.
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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
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