Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pacific Hunt Energy Prepares Drilling Campaigns For Myanmar Blocks

Pacific Hunt Energy Prepares Drilling Campaigns For Myanmar Blocks

Pacific Hunt Energy is planning a total of four exploration drilling
campaigns for its Myanmar onshore blocks PSC C-1 and PSC H in the year 2018
and 2019. During the campaigns, explorations wells will be drilled with the
intent to confirm the presence of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Two drilling campaigns are planned for block PSC C-1, which will be based in
the Sagaing Region. The first campaign in the block will commence in the
second half of 2018 and the next campaign is scheduled to begin in 2019. For
block PSC H, based in the Bago Region, two drilling campaigns are also
planned. The first drilling campaign will start in the last quarter of 2018
and the second campaign is expected to begin in late 2019.

In preparation for the drilling campaigns, Pacific Hunt Energy has
contracted Artelia, a qualified independent consultant, to perform
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) on both PSC C-1 and PSC H. During the
EIA process, public consultations will also be conducted in the Bago and
Sagaing regions. In addition, within the next 60 days Pacific Hunt Energy
will request tenders from qualified firms to provide drilling services for
both blocks.

Pacific Hunt Energy has been awarded Blocks PSC C-1 and PSC H in the
country's 2013 Onshore Bidding Round. The total land acreage for both blocks
totals over 42,000 sq km, providing Pacific Hunt Energy with the largest
onshore oil and gas acreage position in Myanmar.

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Link to Original Article:

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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

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