Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Pertamina ready to take over development of Ciremai geothermal project, Indonesia

Pertamina ready to take over development of Ciremai geothermal project,

Geothermal Energy (PGE) is ready to take over development of the geothermal
project at Ciremai in Kuningan Regency, which recently was returned to the
government by Chevron.

In a statement today, the Managing Director of Pertamina Geothermal Energy
(PGE), Irfan Zainuddin, said his company is ready to manage the geothermal
working area of Ciremai in Kuningan Regency, which has now been returned by
Chevron to the central government.

While there is no decision on the management of the area yet, PGE had
prepared a series of work programs to manage the natural resources located
in forest areas conservation.

"We've got done some early research for geothermal development at Ciremai.
Nevertheless, work would have to be extended. The point is we are ready to
take over the project." he said in an interview with Detik Finance.

Existing studies indicate a geothermal power generation capacity of 55 MW
that could fuel the electricity demand of about 110,000 households. "But
that's only an early indication, the resource could present a larger or
smaller potential." he said.

Planned development would ensure the protection of the conservation forest,
as it would only require an area of 26 hectares at an early stage. When
operating though, it would only take about 5×6 meters for the placement of
the wellhead. Development of a geothermal project would require a protection
of the surroundings and could be made "more green than before utilization."

In fact, so Irfan, geothermal activities could also help develop into
tourism activities such as the Kamojang crater or the Ulu-ulu area, Lampung,
which is a current pilot project by Pertamina in cooperation with
Indonesia's Ministry of Tourism. With its experience on social elements in
development, Pertamina could solve some of the challenges faced by the
government and Chevron.

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Link to Original Article:

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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

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