Monday, April 10, 2017

Myanmar: First waste-to-energy plant opens

Myanmar: First waste-to-energy plant opens

Yangon chief minister Phyo Min Thein opens the first waste-to-power plant in
Yangon on April 7.
Myanmar's first waste-to-power plant has been commissioned into service as
part of the Strategic Project of Greater Yangon Urban Development for 2040.

Under joint management, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
Conservation and the Ministry of Environmental Conservation signed an
agreement on reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

"We tried to build waste-to-energy plants in Daweichaung and Hteinbin. But
power from the plant is expensive. The Ministry of Electric Power and Energy
will be unable to buy the power generated from the plants. For that reason,
we cannot build these two extra plants," Yangon chief minister Phyo Min
Thein said.

"About 2,300 tonnes of rubbish is available in Yangon in a day. Waste can be
made into power. Therefore we need to upgrade the process from the waste to
energy. We will have to try to build more power plants," Phyo Min Thein

"If the Ministry of Electric Power and Energy is able to buy the power
generated from the plant, further waste in Yangon can be systematically
destroyed and more environmental conservation society tasks will be carried
out," Phyo Min Thein said.

A waste-to-energy plant can cut more than 4,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide a
year. The plant is on 12-acre site on the Hlawga Road between Mingaladon and
Shwepyitha townships in Yangon Region. It was built with US$8 million from
the Japanese government and US$8 million from the Yangon City Development

The plant is hoped to generate 700MW, it will use 300MW and the rest is due
to be sent to the national grid.

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John Diecker
APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

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